Stella : Good sides and Bad sides

In a bid to let Stella work her legs out, and to ease her nerves about being in the school I decided to do some groundwork in there. She copes with being in the school and she copes with pressure. Put the two together and she worries. So I thought to start with I would just take her in there on a lunge line, let her stretch her legs and get a feel for it without having to worry about a rider. We started on the left rein, all good and soon she was trotting around at a constant pace. A little faster than we would like but still, she wasn't stopping and then darting forwards so I was pleased with this. The aim was to let her work it out, not ask any questions and demand no answers. This approach was working well so I decided to change the rein and see if the same would work the other way. Well, this is where things got interesting. As is often the case with horses she has a better rein. And this is her left rein. And what she is showing is very ...