Busy Busy, And the weather.... where has summer gone?!

Apologies for the lack of posts in the last day or so. I have been flat out at work and home trying to get organized. 

The girls have moved paddocks, and are appreciating the extra grass, even if it is minimal. Thimble is busy getting fit, although we missed last night due to the simply horrific weather. 
The girls both just came in and dried off so that I could put their lightweight rugs on them, still even coming through the paddock gate is good for Stella as she still finds it nerve-wracking to go through the smaller space.

Saturday night consisted of a nice ride out on the trap with Thimble, who decided that she now is a scurry pony and was well up for some faster work. What made me smile was how much she seems to love being out and about, and the lack of naughty / over-reactive behavior. She really is one of those little ponies that thrives on work. Mum even had a go at the driving and managed to take her for a little canter down one of the grass tracks. 
It's so rewarding to see a pony that used to protest about being ridden turn her hand... hoof? to something that she seems to enjoy so much. 
I am starting to think that she might need little shoes on the front as she seems a little sore when on the road but I will ask my farrier next time he is around and see what he thinks.  
 Here is the little monster enjoying her time out. If the rain backs off we might be able to get out again in the next night or so!!!

Sunday was a day of sorting the paddock out after the move, poo picking, getting some power to the electric fence that splits the paddock in half. (I might add that the only current victim of this fence is me!)
The girls seem plenty happy enough out there and are in the habit of coming in for an hour or so in the evenings whilst I poo pick and check everything. 
Even if they don't work I try to bring them in for a little whilst just to give Stella the practice at the smaller gate and to keep the routine a little. 

To give you guys an indication of what Stella thinks of new things and why she has taken a while to settle, here is her reaction to some plastic barriers that went up as a temporary fix for a part of the fence that was damaged by another horse on the yard. (Said other horse likes to just walk through fences when she gets bored, however she is a firm favorite of mine.)
We have put the barriers up until the fence can be sorted and Stella was a little thrown by the idea.
(Despite the reaction I do love how this mare shows off. The entire farm adores her!)

The weather is set to get a little better which should mean more time to carry on with the youngsters and give you some more updates on them.
Also, there may be a new face on the horizon to work with (depending on what his owners decide), watch this space.


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