Sore Fingers and Tidy Manes!

Well, I think I have taken the first few layers of skin from my left hand, and my fingers have classic mane burn!
However, that's two more horses off the mane pull list and the gang are all starting to look rather smart!!
Last night was the turn of my mum's little Irish horse Louis and then my sisters oversized ginger dog!
Louis was great, he has the worlds thinnest mane to start with so in all of five minutes, I was done!
He is also one that I can do alone as he is quite happy to stand there and let me pull, it makes a nice change from horses that try to give you their emotions in a less helpful way.  
I have however always been one for feeling guilty about mane pulling, I mean, it can't really be all that pleasant.
In response to my own musings, I have come up with my own little method that combines thinning, minimal pulling and then trimming.
See what you think of the results, here are Louis shots :D

Yes, I was standing on a sheep lick to reach him, I am officially short.
So as you can see there wasn't much to start with which made Louis the easiest one I have done in a long time!

So having got the seal of approval from mum as to her ponies new haircut I moved on to Chloe's boy. 
Sid, that is the most cuddly affectionate ex-racehorse you will ever meet. 
Sid, that is the most chilled out horse.... any more laid back and he would be on the floor. 
Sid, that stands at 17.1hh and only realises this when you attempt to pull his mane, when he then becomes some kind of possessed mad man.
Sid that needs to be twitched and held by one person whilst the other pulls and trims at turbo speed.
Safe to say he is a total buffoon, but he is an incredibly lovable one. 
The funniest thing is that the twitch was barely on and he was pretty much asleep. 
It's all in his head.
Still, he had a lot of mane hair, much thinning was needed but I think he came out looking ok!
See what you think of his before and after.

Check out the side eye because I was holding a mane comb!!! ^^^

But he did come out looking like quite the dude! 
They are now back out and parading around the field as if they own it.
You know, because they are worth it! 


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