Summer, Stallions and A lack of sleep!
'I love horses... I really do love horses....'
That is the phrase that is running through my head whilst I am listening to thundering hoofbeats, squealing and the rather impressive bellow of the stallion as he harasses his new mare friend in the paddock behind my bedroom. The issue is, now that summers here he is quite happy to stand around looking longingly at her all day. Whilst it is too hot to chase her around and convince her that she loves him. So instead he decides to do all of his pursuing at night. Late. Like 3 AM late.
I guess you could call it early.
However, I don't really appreciate it!
So thanks to Sir Rags the stallion I am in a slightly overtired, hot and bothered grumpy mood.
One that I am hoping will be fixed when I get home from the day job (yawn) and get to working with my two girlies again.
They both had a day off yesterday as Stella was sweating just stood in her field so I thought it would be a little unfair to ask her to work in the heat.
When it cooled down I took one of the other horses from the farm for a riding lesson. It did me the world of good and helped to boost my confidence massively. My instructor is a star and pointed out that because I have lost a lot of confidence I am tending to hold the horses a little when I want to be sending them forwards.
I am going to bear this in mind and keep working on it. The difference in the horse when I remembered to breathe and I softened my hands towards him was brilliant.
I think this softening for me will really help when it comes to riding Stella as she gets very tense and I don't want to add to that by holding onto her. The long term aim is to teach her to relax and stretch down into her reins. I know that it will take a while to reach that point but I am confident that she will get there. I also intend to recruit a helper or two so that I can teach her to long rein and take her out with Thimble.
Thimble is such a confident little madam, she loves the independence that comes with long reining and driving. I am hoping that she can set an example to Stella and show her that the world isn't out to get her.
Also, the greetings from Stella get better and better.
She has taken to talking to me as I walk across the yard to her.
She really is adorable and I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for her future here.
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