Leading, whos leading who - Stella

This evening has consisted of bringing in two very lively ponies thanks to the high winds, Stella though has settled down and is munching happily on her hay whilst Thimble is having a shouting fit about being in for  a few ours.
 Typical , naughty, spoilt little pony. 
I thought I would leave the angry shouts of my mini madam for a few minutes to update everyone on Stella's antics this evening. 
I thought we could do a few minutes on the lunge this evening, due to the first time showing me that she hadn't been taught to lunge in both directions.
She is also worried about being led from the right hand side, she is happy to be lead from the left, the side that you mount , but if you lead her on the right she does her utmost to put herself back on your other side. 
To do a bit of an experiment I just tried halting her and walking around to her other side, just to see what reaction she would get.
If you watch the below video you will see that she blocks me, never letting me go right round. Of  course I can insist that she lets me but she is not comfortable with the idea so I want to build up to it not mattering which side of her I stand on.

She is also a little more spooky from this side but I cant show you that yet as I need a second person to film her whilst I am walking her around scary things!!
We did however have a look at water today and whilst we cant cope with mummy being on the right hand side, water really isnt an issue. 
I mean she has spent half her life in Wales and Cornwall.... I might have known water wouldn't present too much of a problem.
Now that I am gently pushing boundaries I will be upping the clicker work. There will be a Shaping plan and a training schedule drawn up.
I'm sure she can become a very confident pony, she has improved so much by herself that I am sure the guidance will just let her blossom.


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