Pony Pampering and some Hi Viz driving.

The girls stayed in last night due to the weather and the fact that they are both little fat monsters!
So having rectified the two party locations that they call stables (I mean seriously I have never seen a section A produce so much poo...) I decided that today would be a good day to give them a good groom and pampering session.
They were just a bit gross and dusty so after a good groom and polish they look much better. Manes and tails will be next on the list for a wash and trim, I want to try and get tails done this week and a bit more groundwork with the various beasties. 
More to meet soon I promise!
However I am not planning to do any serious work with them until we get back from Scotland, that way there wont be a week long gap in their training for them to get confused over.
Back to today, Whilst tacking Thimble up in her new hi viz driving gear (Go and check out Dopo Coats on Facebook if you need any kind of Hi-Viz - brilliant and fast bespoke service!) Stella decided that I was not giving her enough attention. The result being some attention seeking cuteness, followed by her grumpy face. 
"Me mum... Me Mum.... Actually I don't want to talk to you, go back to the small one.. "

I thought it was all quite amusing and I love that Stella actively interacts now instead of just stressing. She has really started to settle down and its lovely to see her a little more chilled. 

Thimble however is just as confident and just as naughty!! I ran up the yard to speak to my mum briefly, leaving said pony harnessed up, all apart from her bridle, and tied where she gets tied every day. 
Apparently today, my two minutes of chatting to mum was seen as utter neglect so in retaliation the little monster trashed the yard. Not entirely sure how her small self actually managed this feat on this scale in the tiny time frame that she had, but that is just what she is like.
Enjoy the innocent look.
Butter wouldn't melt, She could never do anything wrong!!

The other plus is that the girls are fairly in love now, happily getting along and are good friends.
Got a few snaps of them just being them and enjoying their time in.


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