Thimbles Driving Career - What possessed me?

The pony that we bought as an unbroken three-year-old because we fell in love with her. 
The pony that went to Wales to be started and repeatedly planted the child that was her first jockey on the floor.
The pony that the adults had to ride for the first six months because she was so naughty that none of us kids could stay on her. 
The pony that would put me on the floor on a daily basis.
Rear, buck, bite, bolt. You name it she did it.
Escape artist.
Two people required to lead her out to her paddock after more than two days inside.
Literally insane to lunge.
So why, ten years after buying her, did I decide that she would make a good driving pony?
Let me explain.
Nothing phases her... nothing. 
Traffic, bring it, the biggest loudest scariest traffic you can think of, really,  not a problem. 
Spooky...whats that then?
Things behind her.... no issue at all - as long as you are not a dog. 
Work ethic - She is never happier than when she is working.
Honestly, I was never expecting it to be so easy to train her to work in harness. I was expecting tantrums and paddies and general brat behavior. 
After all, I was comparing to what I had always known her as. The cutest, cuddliest nightmare in the world.
She surprised me.
The only issue that I really encountered with her were some small disagreements about how far she wanted to go.She would occasionally decide that she was going home and just spin in the long reins. 
Once this problem was solved... by just putting her back on track and having someone lead her forwards for a few minutes, we never looked back. She never looked twice when it came to blinkers or pulling something along.
I bought the harness a year ago, and in that time we have never had an issue. 
Introducing to work on grass went very well yesterday, being the fizzy madam that she I don't  doubt that we will have moments where we resemble scurry drivers more than anything else. 
Am I worried?
I think just like everything else she will get over it pretty quickly.
Just have to enjoy the madness until she settles. I'm saving up for a four-wheeled pony carriage for her as well as a leather harness.
Just got to tame that mane of hers now that she is back in work, and she will be plaited to go out. 
Then I will see how she goes, she may end up with little shoes if she seems at all sore with the roadwork.
I would love to take her to a few little shows in the future and ultimately I would like to put her in foal as I don't want to lose the line. She is such a solid little pony I would love for her line to continue.
Got to love my little Thimble Squeak.


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