Ugh Weather....

I'm currently sat in my kitchen watching the rain pour as I type this, It certainly stopped my training plans for this evening but thats ok.
It just means you will have to wait a little longer before the next new face appears. 
The upside is that I have constructed a very good and helpful training wall plan that shows what I will be doing with various horses, and the dog, on various days. 
I needed a way to balance my time between the horses and I was quite happy with the result.
Its days like this that I wish I had my sewing machine around, its tucked away somewhere in the storage trailer and I really must find it. 
I could be making all sorts of horsey bits and bobs when  the rain stops play outside.
So with the girls glaring at me across the paddock, the stallion outside the window looking outright grumpy at the rain and a few bedraggled looking birds I thought  Maybe it would be a good time to post about some of the other animals that are inside!
Willow, the mad dog is currently very subdued, yet another one of my gang that is less than amused with the weather.
If it stops raining I will get her highness and go for a walk as to be frank shes a nightmare when shes bored. 
Collies are quite simply, meant to be outside.

Dont be fooled by the 'love me' face. This pup is trouble with a capital T. Once we get back from our holiday in Scotland I will go into her behavioural issues in more detail but she will be going into a whole new routine of training and rehab in the hope that she can be a little less erratic with things. 
Well in total I have managed to completely forget to press the publish button on this post so several days late (Apologies!) here it is.
I will have another horsey one up soon I promise, just need the weather to hang on long enough for me to do some sessions as well as getting the pictures!


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