Weekends... what are those again?

I am currently sat in my care at the top of a gorgeous hill, as one of the photographers for an event at Tumpy Green Equestrian center.
Sun is out, ponies are awesome. 
My other half runs the photography business alongside his full time job. www.njrbespokegraphics.zenfolio.com (check it out, help us all grow a little). 
I also have studied photography, even managed an A level in it so its a good chance for me to get out and about and to get some practice in. 
The good thing about taking some time away from my own troublesome twosome and coming to events like this is that I get itchy feet. 
I want to be competing at friendly little events like this.
To be honest, aside the trains (there is a railway line next to the XC field), which are frankly terrifying, this would be the perfect type of place to bring Stella when she is comfortable traveling.
Its so laid back and nice, it doesnt matter how you go around and you can take your time. Plus there are classes that you can trot over the jumps on the floor right up to open sized fences. Perfect for everyone. 
Id like to think that gradually I am getting back into the photography, its something I used to really enjoy doing, and instead of chasing it like I should have, it got pushed aside by the day job that I find so tedious. 
I will have to get the camera back out to get some better photos of my girls up on here. 
Seeing as my poor body couldnt keep up yesterday my girls did move paddocks but also had a day off. Therefore I must work at least Thimble tonight. For Stella even coming in and out of the paddock means learning as the gate is narrow and that is something that scares her. She tends to jump through at the moment. 
Slowly we are working out that small spaces do not mean certain death.
We do not have to leap, charge, or otherwise fly through them.
But with the rate she is improving in all other areas I am sure that it wont take too long to get there with it. 
My mum is also with me today, trying her hand at being behind the camera when I have to run to the loo.
I would say that she is enjoying her day, its nameley sunbathing whilst I take pictures.. 
Right I suppose I should stop eating my mobile data and carry on before I get a telling off, next classes are due to start. 
I will try and post again later, with what my ponies end up doing this evening. 


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