All caught up..... Commence the training!!!

Well, as per usual nothing goes quite to plan around here, Having said that I am finally all caught up with the animal jobs on our return. Also, I have managed to convince a certain stallion's owner to put a higher fence up so I can get my ponies past him without the constant threat of him coming with me!
He's lovely don't get me wrong, but walking past him with a bunch of mares....
Let's just say it can be a little hair-raising.
I am currently sat at work writing this.... can't hear myself think so thought I would take a few minutes break to write here instead.
Stella has had a quiet week or so but I went out to see her last night for a little bit of groundwork and to try the western tack on her. I was hoping that it would fit her a little better than my saddles, she's so broad that getting anything to fit her is a nightmare.
The good news is it seems to fit well, but I haven't sat in it yet. Last night was a case of seeing if it fit and seeing what she thought of it.
She didn't seem fussed so I might give sitting in it a go later on tonight.
Personally, I think it suits her well, she is the right sort of shape to look awesome in anything, but the bigger saddle seems to suit her.
Anyway, judge it for yourselves.

Also achieved yesterday was the task of getting my not particularly horsey another half on a horse.... and he enjoyed it.!!
I did steal my mum's cute little horse as he is a little less flighty than my two but he is still quite forward.... I did walk with him just in case but to be honest I could have ridden. considering that he has only ridden a handful of times, my other half looks incredibly comfortable in the saddle.... I spend years working on my seat and he sits there looking quite good!!! Men eh....

On a slightly different note I am thrilled to say that Easter is back to her usual naughty and loud self.
I am glad to have my demanding little lamb back and hopefully she will make the move to living outside soon, they spent their first night out last night and they will soon have a separate area to have their food in. The older sheep are stupidly fat so they don't need the food, but the babies do!

All in all things are looking a little more organised so there should be lots more to come!


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