Back in the Saddle, Stella

Well last night, after sneaking our way past the stallion, Stella and I had some cuddles and some general loving before I decided to get brave. She's such a sweetheart it's impossible not to want to ride her. However, she is insanely strong and my last horse shattered my confidence, so I have been a little dubious about doing any more than walking around on her. 
Lst night I randomly decided that I wanted to get my mojo back and enjoy my riding again. So we tacked up and went to the school. Half an hour later we were cantering happily on both reins and popping the world's smallest cross pole..... Safe to say she is a little nervous of her jumping but if you talk to her and encourage her she flies.... literally. She definitely has scope!!  Sadly there are no pics of her jumping as we only did it twice as she isn't overly fit. 
The boyfriend was too busy watching to remember to film it!!
Nevertheless, we were all very happy with the outcome and she is still slowly becoming more relaxed under saddle.

Speaking of which, for someone that 'thinks horses are a waste of money' He was pretty keen to sit on.... and then ride off with my girl!!
Two days in a row he has been on board now, Stella last night and Louis the night before.
Seems like I have competition!!
I think Stella found all of it quite amusing and she looked after him impeccably!!
Hoping to get another ride in tonight too, Ive got the bug back!! 


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