Getting somewhere, Plans of action and general pony updates!

Which one first?
Since my last post I have been busily analysing Robbie's reactions in his last session, and working out my plan of action for any future work with him. 
It's amazing the different views people have on how to manage a horse like him.
Personally, I have come to the conclusion that he needs firm get forgiving handling. 
The boundaries need to be put in place but at the same time, he needs a good amount of guidance in order to understand them.
With this in mind, I decided that the best way forwards would be to teach him targeting.
I believe that this will get him thinking and will encourage him to investigate things instead of running away.
As for the others. 
Stella is coming along beautifully and now that she has settled in properly I am going to begin teaching her some more in-depth ways to deal with things that she still finds difficult. 
Thimble is fat and happy but will soon be a little more trim as we pick up her exercise levels again and continue with the driving and walking in hand. 
I have also been getting to know the farms eldest resident, a 29-year-old welsh pony that I have already grown quite fond of since his arrival and I am spoiling him rotten with tonnes of food.... not that he minds, it's hard to keep a good amount of weight on old bones! 
That's my quick update , more to follow soon.
Just need to get home and commence work now! 


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