Right I am back!!! Plans!!!

Apologies for being so absent! The wedding of my lifelong best friend took over life for a week or so. I have also spent a little while getting my head around a few things and getting organised. So starting in September things will be running much more smoothly. I intend to start trying to get a guest post every month or so, if anyone is interested in taking part in that then feel free to contact me. The new aim is to get at least a post a week up for you guys. Both girls will have actual Training Schedules and as winter draws closer and the nights get shorter, there will be a much bigger focus on groundwork. I have found a new way to get organised in the form of bullet journaling! I would recommend everyone having a look at it! I am currently in the process of setting up my journals, one for me, one for the horses and quite possibly one for my mini flock of sheep. I will be featuring various ideas that I try out with this system and if anyone wants to try them out ...