Scruffy Monsters out, Hunters in!! Yep More grooming.

I  walked into the barn to be greeted by tubby hunt horses that have clearly had a blast on their summer holidays.
In what can be politely described as 'show condition'  They were stood in stables looking thoroughly miffed at being taken out for a walk, their fitting programme having started. 
Once I returned for my office slog day job, I was in dire need of some equine therapy.
Unluckily for them, this meant that it was time to lose the long manes and to become respectable and smart looking hunters. 
Here was what I started with.

This chap is double crested.... and we all dread tidying him up and attempting to tame that large amount of unruly hair.
Challenge accepted.
A short while later ( I really was impressed that this only took me about half an hour. I'm really getting the bug for this mane lark.)

I had turned his Royal Highness into this. 

Horse Number two of the evening was this gorgeous girl. 
She is massive, over 17hh and I have ridden her for the last three or four years from when she was broken. 
But so lovely. 
She reminds me of Dory out of Finding Nemo, just going around in her own little world, happily doing whatever you ask her too. 

Here is her before shot. 

And her Afterwards :D 

As you can see, I was not her favourite human after this little session.... Did ride her last night though and all was forgiven!! 

Still have a few to tidy up so there will be yet more grooming posts. And an introduction to my old boy, who is now having a happy retirement.


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