But I love him too much to tell him off - Mini Rant!

Such a common thing to hear.
I love him/her, I don't want to tell them off.
The lack of discipline that comes with spoilt horses never fails to amaze me.
And frustrate me. 
There is nothing that I can do to make people put boundaries in place, but I personally believe that just like we should respect our horses, our horses should also have respect for us. 
Now that's not to say I think they should be beaten into submission, or battered when they do something wrong.
Quite the opposite
My view on leadership is this.
If you take the responsibility away from your horse, they feel safe. 
You manage the danger.
You decide what is safe and they trust you.
But with that, you need respect both ways.
A lead mare does not keep her position by simply grooming everyone in her herd. 
A stallion does not keep his mares by doing nothing. 
Leadership is earned, Respect is earned.
It comes with Discipline.  
For example, If my horse pushed past me and blunders into my space, I will turn around make my body language big and I will drive her back out of my space. 
I don't hit her, I don't bully her. 
I give her a clear message that she is in my space and I won't tolerate it. If I don't invite her she doesn't come in.
However, when I do invite her we do some mutual grooming and she gets loved on.
I am grateful for her attention and she is grateful for mine.
She respects me.
Different horses need different treatment, but I believe the best foundation for an equine relationship is to establish some ground rules and to gain this mutual respect.
To say you love your horse too much to put some boundaries in that may keep you both much safer and happier seems insane to me. 
If your horse gets a little animated and barges through you, and you let go, you may well have been injured and your horse ends up loose, posing a threat to other people and itself. 
I adore my horses, they get lots of hugs, kisses, treats, and attention. 
I do, however, expect them to respond when I ask them to so that I can look after both of us to the best of my ability.

I would love to hear other views on this topic.
Drop a comment and let me know your views and ideas!


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