Injuries, Organisation and Education

So being the insanely graceful human being that I am I managed to fall down my steps the other day, spectacularly. 
So with my arm not broke (whoop), but all strapped up with ligament damage. Safe to say I was lucky.
Its sore and irritating but it's done now so I'm simply on a mission to try and get it sorted asap, lots of using it gently and building it all back up. 
Also in the land of me being brave this week, as part of my 'sort yourself out' campaign, I managed to get myself to a dentist this week. 
This is something that literally terrifies me, and I haven't been for years, consequently, there is a lot to do, but like my horses, it's going to be done in small manageable steps. 
If I expect my horses to face fears and learn then it's only fair that I expect the same from myself.

Also, I have finally put the deposit down on my course to study equine sports massage. 
I really want to build a career within the equine industry and I plan to qualify for this in as many ways as I can find.

Tonight's plan is to move the old boy to some new grazing. He's in his mid 20's so does nothing anymore and his very important role is to keep my Grandfathers retired Racehorse company.
Both of them love life now, getting fed and looked after and both of them owe nothing, they have both been amazing horses over time. 
Also, I have to muck Stella out as I am now keeping her in more, the days are getting shorter, as is the grass supply so she comes in for some extra food. It won't be long now before Thimble is stabled overnight as well. Part of me can't wait, I love knowing my girls are all cosy and happy in their boxes. 

Stella has worn her western tack a few more times and I need to fix my harrows, Kindly broken by Thimble, before I can get her little self back into earning her keep. 
The other aim is to save up for a round pen so that I can start working in a safe environment with some of the young horses on the farm.

There may also be the beginnings of a plan for a fundraising ride/drive. But it's only in the idea's phase at the moment. 
We have a little mascot that no doubt you will all meet soon. 

There are many exciting things up and coming and hopefully lots of exciting Training updates too. 
The way Stella is adjusting is such an exciting prospect, just need to gain a little more control above a trot and we will be able to really crack on with some awesome projects. 

Anyways here is a photo of her sleepy self,  looking highly bewildered and unamused when I got her in before 7 am the other morning. 
She isn't used to me being out and about so early!!
We also had the unhelpful help of my mad Willow Dog to add to the Morning activity.

So really just another post to keep everyone up to date but there is a lot on the horizon!!


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