Back on the planet, apologies for my absence!

Safe to say it has been a crazy few weeks, work has piled up and I have shamefully neglected the blog. So here is a post to catch everyone up and I promise that more regular posts are on the way! 
With the colder weather comes the rain, and with the rain comes the mud and the dark nights. 
Consequently, I have had much less horse time.
Thimble is currently living it a little rough out in the field whilst I try and organise my life to get enough time to keep her working! Not that she minds, she is incredibly fat and happy currently with her best buddy out keeping her company.
Stella has turned into a stable diva and would much rather be in than out, so she is now living in and being spoiled rotten. Going out for rides and a chill in the paddock every weekend.  

Sheep wise, everyone is happy, and hopefully, we will be seeing the first of my own lambs in April, as Kerry is currently running with a very nice Ram lamb.

To give you an idea of what is coming up I have a few how to's for various projects, a few major pony makeovers to do and a few tips on how to save some pennies ready for any extras or emergencies. 

So there is the breif catch up and I will be back shortly with more!


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