
Showing posts from July, 2017

Back at it! All systems go. And some random animal pics for you!

So after taking a few days to sort myself out, safe to say it's all systems go again here.  Stella went out yesterday and in true chestnut, mare fashion decided that traffic was fine yesterday (ok so where has the whole terrified of all things motorised gone?). She allowed a touring caravan to come past without missing a beat.  Don't get me wrong I am thrilled with her progress, but it does make me chuckle when she changes her mind about things.  At least she keeps me on my toes.!  Yesterday instead she decided that jumping was impossible, sideways and backwards and lots of leg movement.   jumping though... no. Bare in mind she has jumped these logs before (more like sticks, she could trot over them). There was no way on earth that she was going. But she did let me take some pictures. This is a huge breakthrough as she gets nervous when you reach for your pockets. Also, Aunt Gabbi returns in a week or so, meaning we can get Thimble fully enr...

Every Storm Runs out of rain - A tough 24 hours

This last 24 hours has been hellish, the families Labrador got hit by a car and killed on the road and I also went thought a very amicable but still heartbreaking split with my partner.  It has knocked the wind out of my sails a little but We will be ok.  I still have the ongoing friendship of my partner and i still have my collie. The loss of  the lab has hit everyone so hard. Including the other dogs, everyone is out of sorts today. At least we know that despite having a short life, he had a very happy one. And an extend one as we took him on as he was going to be put to sleep. I hope he is having fun over the rainbow bridge. I am sure he will be as loved there as he was here.  If the rain stops I am meant to be working with Robbie again later, introducing some targeting. hopefully that will still happen.  So applogies if the content is a little weak for a few days, we are all struggling a little here. 

Getting somewhere, Plans of action and general pony updates!

Manners. Confidence. Tolerance. Leading. Which one first? Since my last post I have been busily analysing Robbie's reactions in his last session, and working out my plan of action for any future work with him.  It's amazing the different views people have on how to manage a horse like him. Personally, I have come to the conclusion that he needs firm get forgiving handling.  The boundaries need to be put in place but at the same time, he needs a good amount of guidance in order to understand them. With this in mind, I decided that the best way forwards would be to teach him targeting. I believe that this will get him thinking and will encourage him to investigate things instead of running away. As for the others.  Stella is coming along beautifully and now that she has settled in properly I am going to begin teaching her some more in-depth ways to deal with things that she still finds difficult.  Thimble is fat and happy but will soon b...

New Pupil : Robbie: An interesting case.

Time to meet the newest pupil. Robbie. Robbie is a Friesian cross welsh cob and a very handsome boy.  However, he has a few little niggles that we are working out so that his owners can really enjoy him properly.  His main issue, that feeds everything else is his separation anxiety. He gets stressed and very worried when he is away from his stable mate.  His current answer to this is to plant and refuse to move, or failing that, to barge forwards and bolt. He is more likely to plant but last night he got away from me. I will only work with him in his field at the moment as I know he is safe if he gets away from me in there. The current plan having really assessed him yesterday is to start with some targeting work. He is quite a food driven horse which makes the positive reinforcement a good method for him. Also, I get the impression that learning to think for himself will really help his confidence.  To let you know how food driven he...

Down to business or Play based Learning. My views on Training.

"He's impossible, stubborn and nothing works" Once upon a time, I was told this about a horse that refused to load, and for me, this was where a lot of my inspiration came from.  The horse in question did appear stubborn, no amount of tugging, pushing, pulling, feed or lunge lines would get him to load if he didn't want to. Yet watching him in the field showed that he was incredibly intelligent. Taking off his rugs with all straps done up, opening gates, opening stable doors.  It was clear to see he was a horse that liked thinking but didn't like pressure. Therefore I decided to give something else a go.  I turned the task of loading him into a puzzle, something that he had to work out, for his own gain.  A game if you like.  He didn't like going onto the lorry, but he did like coming off. He also liked to think that he knew what was coming next.  This was where he gained the upper hand. For me this was what I was seeing from h...

Little Ponies, Small and Devilish, or Managed Wrong? Mini Muse / Rant

We've all seen it, that 18hh draught horse that is completely bombproof, and the 15 year old Shetland that is busy being the most naughty and difficult little creature in the world to handle.  What is it that makes the little ones so feisty, is it just the way they are. Do we tolerate too much from them?  I have a few ideas as to why I personally think there are so many naughty little ponies.  And seeing as I don't have a training post for you yet this week I figured I would give you something to muse over.  I have had a fair bit of experience with small ponies over the years, Shetlands, Welshies, Exmoors, allsorts of them.   From personal experience I would say that yes, these smaller native breeds are fairly feisty to begin with. And this isn't just Horses.  I also keep Shetland sheep and I also find those incredibly feisty and much tougher than their larger and steadier farm mates. For example the Suffolk and Beltex rams that are on the farm...

Eat, Sleep, Ride , Repeat.

There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day at the moment. Stella is doing brilliantly and is more relaxed under saddle every time we do something. Still only doing small rides but she loves it, as do I! We have had a couple of little centers and jumped a baby cross pole in the school. She is a little wary still when it comes to her jumping but yesterday she managed to stop leaping and jumped really nicely a couple of times.  She is also taking good care of the other half!!  I didn't think she would be one that he could ride, but walking around the school she is brilliant for him.  We also rode in the school with another horse last night, just to see what Stella thought of it, turns out, she doesn't mind at all.  On that note, meet Daisy, the little super cob that I borrow most weeks for Nigel's sister to ride. She is simply awesome, I have never a met a pony that looks after her riders so well and adjusts to their ability so easily. She will loo...

Back in the Saddle, Stella

Well last night, after sneaking our way past the stallion, Stella and I had some cuddles and some general loving before I decided to get brave. She's such a sweetheart it's impossible not to want to ride her. However, she is insanely strong and my last horse shattered my confidence, so I have been a little dubious about doing any more than walking around on her.  Lst night I randomly decided that I wanted to get my mojo back and enjoy my riding again. So we tacked up and went to the school. Half an hour later we were cantering happily on both reins and popping the world's smallest cross pole..... Safe to say she is a little nervous of her jumping but if you talk to her and encourage her she flies.... literally. She definitely has scope!!  Sadly there are no pics of her jumping as we only did it twice as she isn't overly fit.  The boyfriend was too busy watching to remember to film it!! Nevertheless, we were all very happy with the outcome and she is still slowly ...

All caught up..... Commence the training!!!

Well, as per usual nothing goes quite to plan around here, Having said that I am finally all caught up with the animal jobs on our return. Also, I have managed to convince a certain stallion's owner to put a higher fence up so I can get my ponies past him without the constant threat of him coming with me! He's lovely don't get me wrong, but walking past him with a bunch of mares.... Let's just say it can be a little hair-raising. I am currently sat at work writing this.... can't hear myself think so thought I would take a few minutes break to write here instead. Stella has had a quiet week or so but I went out to see her last night for a little bit of groundwork and to try the western tack on her. I was hoping that it would fit her a little better than my saddles, she's so broad that getting anything to fit her is a nightmare. The good news is it seems to fit well, but I haven't sat in it yet. Last night was a case of seeing if it fit and seeing wh...